The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Ever since last year’s adaption of The Addams Family, the bar was set high for this year’s drama performance. To everyone’s delight, the drama club’s comedy on Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, certainly did not disappoint. Not only was the audience captivated by the exotic costumes and intriguing make up but also burst with laughter by the student’s overall performance. The student’s take on the comedy was incredible, as they created such a lively and entertaining mood throughout the performance.
For those who do not already know what the play is all about, it takes place in Paris, France in 1482, during the day of the Feast of Fools. The story focuses on the hunchback Quasimodo, the bewitching gypsy dancer Esmeralda, and the archdeacon Frollo as their fates intertwine. Though all of them are tragic characters in the novel, Freehold High School’s Drama Club put a twist on the original, where Esmeralda and Quasimodo have the happy ending they deserve, leaving Frollo to fall to his death. Esmeralda ends up falling in love and marrying Phoebus, but only after breaking the hearts of practically all the other male characters such as Quiasimodo, Frollo, and Pierre by saying that she wants to “just be friends.” Quasimodo, unlike in the novel where he dies, remains as the lone bell-ringer of the Notre Dame Cathedral, only coming out and being celebrated as the Pope of Fools.
As the cast brought life to the performance, they also had people from the audience get involved as well. Audience members were chosen to participate in the contest for the Pope of Fools, in other words, “the most hideous person.” The cast also called on people to recap the events of the first act before resuming the play. To sum it all up, this fall’s production was an entertaining, hilarious performance with a talented cast and amazing director, Ms. Sweeney. If you unfortunately missed the performance, I highly recommend seeing them later in the spring musical.