The Taste of Loss
The taste of loss is cool metal
against a hot tongue
The smell of pennies and sulfur dancing
on taste buds and tear ducts.
The taste of loss is liquid mercury
running down your throat as you
choke on phrases of
“come back” and “don’t go”.
The taste of loss is the last bite of a delicious meal that does not
Live up to the others
A last bite that ruins the rest and leaves you wanting the bite before.
The taste of loss is the vapor that clouds your glasses
As you squint to see their shrinking figure moving further and further away
into memory
knowing they will vanish within minutes.
The taste of loss is a loss of taste.
Nothing appeals to the senses anymore.
A cup of coffee no longer delights,
it only reinforces the burn already felt in your chest.
Nothing looks the same
Nothing feels the same
Nothing smells the same
Nothing tastes the same because
every flavor is replaced with a biting taste,
the taste of loss.