Student Council
The Student Council, or also known as “StuCo,” at Freehold Boro is one of the clubs with the most students involved. They plan many school events (such as Homecoming and Battle of the Classes) and hold fundraisers. Throughout the school year, members of StuCo decorate a bulletin board that provides information about the club to promote student involvement. They also have a “Morning Show,” which updates the student body on the latest news about our school’s extracurricular activities and athletics.
Currently, the Student Council is holding a “Salsa Night” to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Students and their families can take salsa lessons on October 13th, 21st, or 28th! Individual classes are $10 per person, and or all three classes are $20. StuCo hopes to see you there!
If you are interested in joining this club, contact Mrs. Reenstra for more information!