Juniors at Boro Speak on Time Management and Adjusting to In-Person Learning

Curtesy of Krishna Patel

Nearing the end of the first marking period, students are just starting to get used to in-person learning after having been all virtual or hybrid during the last school year. Getting back to a full day schedule, in-person, for five days a week, has proved challenging for both teachers and students, but here’s some advice from the latter to help ease the transition:

Diya Sheegihalli has an extremely busy schedule. She is a member of DECA, Model UN, student council, the math league, cyber security, Boro fights cancer, and a fellow staff writer for the Colonial Newspaper. Additionally, she is vice president of the junior class, and is currently taking three AP classes. Combined, all of these tasks and responsibilities require top-notch time management. When asked how she does it, Diya said “it’s important to keep track of everything you need to get done. For example, I’ve made a calendar on my phone for strictly school-work related tasks, and another for clubs.” Students should definitely take note of this system, since it can be difficult to stay organized if they don’t have something to refer to when there are a multitude of deadlines to keep track of.

For students who play sports, Sophie D’Antonio recommends taking study hall. She explains “I take study hall because I am on Varsity Cheer for the fall and winter seasons, so it gives me more of a chance to get homework done, since I usually don’t have much time after school.” Students who are eligible, should definitely consider taking study hall. More information on this option can be found on the FRHSD website.

Next up, Kieran Mclean advises his peers to reflect on past school years to make this one as successful as possible. He says, “My main piece of advice for transitioning back to in-person learning is to get back to doing things that feel normal. Remember what made past years of school good and adopt the same habits.” He then addresses time management, stating, “it can be difficult, but don’t wait until the night before to study for a test. Studying time can vary but homework usually takes a certain fixed amount of time, and you should keep that in mind when planning your day. Also, remember to prioritize sleep and rest-time.” As president of Model UN, vice president of Youth and Government, and a soccer player (as well as being a part of various other clubs), Kieran knows what it’s like to battle the exhaustion of all of these extracurriculars, in order to get work done. He encourages students to, “get things like eating, showering, and taking a nap if needed, out of the way as soon as you get home, so that you have the rest of the night to study and do homework.”

Finally, the current vice president and future president of Boro’s student council, Faija Haider, explains why students should view being back in-person as a positive thing: “I know transitioning back into in-person might be scary, especially for freshmen and sophomores who didn’t go into school in-person last year, but it’s much better because it forces you to focus on school work rather than being distracted at home.”

Students should keep all of this advice in mind as the school year goes on. But more than anything, everyone should make sure they’re taking care of themselves, and finding healthy ways to cope with the stress they may be experiencing quite often. Students should remember that they can always reach out to friends, teachers, or guidance counselors if they’re feeling overwhelmed. No one is alone in this difficult transition back to “normal” school.