Warm Recipes for Snow Days
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Photo by from_my_point_of_view via Unsplash
As we enter the coldest parts of the winter season, not much sounds better than a warm meal. Here are five recipes to help you brave the season’s chill.
Chewy Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies
You can have your hot chocolate and eat it too with these Mexican hot chocolate cookies. Just the right amount of spice balances out the chocolate in the cookie, and fresh out of the oven they’ll certainly warm up a winter night. Don’t forget the marshmallows!
Balsamic Rosemary Chicken
For a little bit of actual sustenance, try out this balsamic chicken. It’s super simple to mix up and marinate, and tangy balsamic plus fresh rosemary is a perfect combination.
Corn Chowder
Winter is soup season, no question. Perfectly comforting and warm is this corn chowder. Embrace your inner New-Englander and let this soup simmer.
Chickpea Burgers
An amazingly delicious vegan option is these chickpea patties. These serve as the base for so many toppings, and they’re totally plant-based.
Hot Chocolate
Obviously a Winter day has to be closed out with hot chocolate. But if the cold is really brutal it’s time to bring out the big guns: homemade hot chocolate. We’re all grown ups here, put away the Swiss Miss and make it yourself-it’s worth it.
Links to find this delicious recipes:
- http://www.bakersbrigade.com/recipe/chewy-mexican-hot-chocolate-cookies/
- https://happymoneysaver.com/balsamic-rosemary-chicken/ epik=dj0yJnU9UW80ajZVMkRfY3pzaUNSYUJwSlFRenlla19GUXUwZEYmcD0wJm49dFdSV1c3ekhINFUxemdwM1JTdkp2QSZ0PUFBQUFBR0lNTHBr
- https://therecipecritic.com/corn-chowder-recipe/
- https://www.noracooks.com/chickpea-burger/
- https://celebratingsweets.com/homemade-hot-chocolate/