Little White Flowers
Little white flowers,
Though some may call them weeds.
All over my yard,
And they don’t seem to leave.
A white clover is what they are named,
Or sometimes a dutch one.
So much land they have claimed,
And the patches keep growing larger.
Beautiful perennials in meadows and fields of grass.
From spring to fall,
The other weeds they will outlast.
Trifolium repens is their long name,
And they are native to Europe, Asia, and the U.S.
These flowers may be small but nevertheless,
They are the prettiest weeds and for sure the best.
About the Contributor
Isabelle Deleon, Staff Writer
Izzy is a junior at Freehold High School. This is her second year writing for The Colonial. She likes to write about school news and events, as well as share her photography and poems. Izzy enjoys reading books by her favorite author, Alice Osemen, and exploring historical sites. She hopes to work in the field of social work so she can give back to her community and do the thing she loves the most, which is helping others.