Senior Feature: Sofia Hor

Image by Kathryn Puharic
This past week, I interviewed Sofia Hor, the Girls’ Volleyball Captain for the 2022 season. A starter on Varsity since her freshman year, Sofia has racked up an impressive amount of stats – with a total of 371 kills, 169 digs, 262 service points, and 133 aces throughout her 4 years at Boro. As the season comes to a close, I asked Sofia some questions about her volleyball experience.
What is the best part about being captain of the volleyball team?
“I like being able to organize pasta parties and tie dyes with the team”.
What got you interested in playing volleyball?
“My mom signed me up for beach volleyball and I really enjoyed playing on the sand”
Do you have a favorite position to play in volleyball?
“I do enjoy outside but my favorite position to play is libero”
Do you have any fun memories or moments that you can think of from school volleyball?
“When I got my varsity letter freshman year, it was a huge accomplishment for me”
After graduation, would you like to play volleyball in college?
“Yes, I would like to play club volleyball in college so I can experience college without the stress of playing division volleyball”