You Are Done
You are done sitting there and feeling bad
You are done thinking that you aren’t enough
You are done being someone else’s version of yourself
Because you are you
You are who you are and don’t let anyone change that
You will be okay, it will take a little time
But you will be okay, I promise
You will get through it and laugh about it later
So don’t forget to also feel good about yourself
While you sit there and feel bad
About the Contributor
Mollie Bowers, Staff Writer
Mollie is a Junior at freehold high school and this is her third year of being a part of The Colonial. She is on the varsity cheerleading team. In her spare time, she hangs out with her friends, spends her time at the beach, watches movies/tv, and plays with her cats. She plans to become a social worker and eventually become a criminal psychologist.