Thank You
The time I open my eyes and close them
I thank God,
I Thank Him for another day that He
has given me,
I thank God for the gift of life that I
receive, I thank you for the wisdom and intelligence
you have given me;
I know I’m not perfect I mean
no one is except You,
You always forgive my sins
and wash me in the Holy Spirit so I can now be
clean in your eyes,
And one more, I thank you for
sacrificing your one and only son Jesus who
Carried my shame on the Cross,
There’s Nothing
else I want to say but Thank You
About the Contributor
Ashley Perez Morales, Staff Writer
Ashley is a sophomore at Freehold High School, she enjoys writing for our newspaper. Ashley has 2 dogs and 2 siblings that went to this school. She is a part of 5 clubs, including this one!