Yes, Ladies and Gents, you heard that right, FHS’s Asian Cultural Diversity Club (in collaboration with the Malboro Asian Club) is having a Garba celebration on November 8th! It will be at Marlboro High School and get your tickets soon because there will be absolutely NO tickets sold at the door!
Now, a lot of you may be wondering, what is Garba? Garba is essentially a Hindu, or Gujarati, celebration that takes place around fall every year. While ours is technically not in “Garba season,” we still want to have a fun and friendly event that all cultures can attend and observe this beautiful tradition.
To buy tickets ($15 each) you can go to any board member of the Asian Cultural Diversity Club. This includes me (Rahim Chaudhry), Arianna Maini, Shaina Mitra, Ishan Vashist, Sean Misquith, and Kevin Nasralla. Other than the traditional Garba dance, there will be Taco Bell, samosas, mango lassi, and music to entertain all students there.
Make sure to bring your school ID as only FRHSD and MCVSD students are allowed in and make sure to bring cash for any food/drink that requires money (like the mango lassi). We hope to see a big turnout and I hope people are as excited as I am for our first-ever Garba celebration!