There are so many great clubs here at FHS but, while I may be biased, I think the Yearbook Club is somewhat underappreciated. The students on the Yearbook Staff spend hours of their time, pouring their hearts into putting together the best yearbook they can so that everyone can enjoy reminiscing about the school year. Not only do they take most of the pictures that you see, they also collect all the rosters, coordinate with teachers, design the pages, market for the book, and sort and distribute the books once they arrive.
Here’s what the Yearbook Club’s incredible Editors-in-Chief, Lizzy Sensale and Noelle LaBoy, had to say:
How much time per week do you spend doing stuff for Yearbook?
Lizzy: Usually 4 hours a week, but closer to 6 around deadlines.
Noelle: I’d say like 2-3ish hours weekly, but like 6-7 when it’s time for portraits and baby pictures, cause I spend a lot more time then.
What’s your favorite part of being in Yearbook?
Lizzy: My favorite part of being in Yearbook is seeing the book really come together. Like, it’s really cool to me how it goes from a collection of ideas in some 15 kids’ minds to a real book that’s being printed out hundreds of times!
Noelle: I like to see how the ideas and planning we all had in the beginning of the year finally come together into one creation we can all be proud of. But I also love working with everyone and helping where I can.
Why should people buy a yearbook?
Lizzy: People should buy a yearbook for its lasting memories. High school is 4 years, but it’s such an important 4 years. You never really get anything like it again. It’s nice to have something to memorialize so that, when you’re old, you can, like, look back and remember people.
Noelle: You always hear adults tell stories about their high school years and, when they do, they look back on it fondly. I don’t think many kids realize that what they’re living right now is and will be very special to them and that they’d want a yearbook to look back on those memories, so they never have to worry about forgetting them.
Talking with fellow Yearbook Staffers as well, I found that, collectively, we spend anywhere between 30-37 hours per week working on designing and/or marketing the yearbook.
It sounds like a lot of work (and it is), but it’s also really fun. As members of the Yearbook Club, we get to go to lots of school events to take pictures, which allows us to become quite involved in the community. Additionally, through coordinating with teachers and other people, we build our communication skills, which will definitely prove useful in the future. It’s also a great way for anyone who loves design, writing, and/or photography to apply their creativity and skills.
And of course, who can forget the incredible Ms. Guli, the teacher in charge of the Yearbook Club, who helps make everything we do come to life in the book? Here’s what she had to say:
How much time per week do you spend doing stuff for Yearbook?
Ms. Guli: I spend about 2-3 hours a week on Yearbook.
What’s your favorite part of being in Yearbook?
Ms. Guli: Spending time with people who are really lovely to be around, who work hard, and enjoy the whole group’s company.
Why should people buy a yearbook?
Ms. Guli: Because you’ll look back later and be surprised by what you see. It’s really delightful to have that feeling of being surprised by an experience that you thought you understood.
To me, being part of Yearbook means being part of creating an incredible book that summarizes our entire school year, getting to interact with different people all over the school, and putting my skills to good use. It’s an incredible experience and, if you think this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, contact [email protected] or see Ms. Guli during lunch in C100.
Join the Yearbook Club and you’ll enjoy every moment.